About Us
Day Plus is the manufacturer of bread that can be kept for a longer period of time. Our bread products can maintain the good quality of products with the originality of manufacturing techniques combined with innovation from Japan which has been used for over 10 years.
The company in Thailand was established in September 2014 and started a full production since January 2016
We aim to expand the market for all consumers and also to be a leader of the bread field in Thai. We aim to deliver quality of the products with long lasting deliciousness and freshness, moreover much has been focused on the “cleanliness and hygiene of the products with the quality level in Japanese standard for Thai people.
Human rights policy
Board of directors, executives and employees of Day Plus (Thailand) Co., Ltd. at every level must realize the importance and respect for human rights in every aspect of every person, society and community according to the laws of each country and the treaties in each country. There are obligations that must be followed by including
- ●Treating everyone based on human rights equality without discrimination
- ●Avoidance of actions that violate human rights
- ●Supporting human rights
- ●Communication, dissemination, providing knowledge, understanding, defining guidelines, monitoring and providing other support to those involved in conducting business throughout the business value chain, supplier and contractor. As well as business associates (Joint Venture) in order to participate in conducting business with integrity, respecting human rights and treating everyone in accordance with human rights principles in accordance with the guidelines